Today's prompt is "If I won the Lottery, I'd..."
I think it's safe to say that this will purely be a lesson in my egocentric consumerism, because immediately I think of "stuff". More importantly, stuff I'd buy myself. I'm going to give myself a break though, because this is a nice blog prompt and shouldn't be thought about too deeply.
So if I won the lottery, I would hightail it back to California, buy myself a beautiful beach house on the coast, and set myself up with a financial planner who would make sure I didn't run out of lottery money for a good long time. I would sit on my porch and watch the sunset over the Pacific Ocean as often as possible, and hire people to do the things I hate or have trouble doing myself, like cleaning and decorating the place to look like a magazine (or at least a pin on Pinterest). I would still keep my place in Texas, though. I don't think I want to let go of what I have made out here, I just want to split my time between CA and TX. Because I could.
I would buy myself a Tesla Model S, and let Billy have a shop full of cars to tinker with and make fast. He would be happy with his horse power, while I daintily and silently drove around in a fantastic spaceship of a car that is doing its part to make things a little easier on the environment.
I would reestablish my salon business out there, 1. because most of my clients are my friends and family and I would love a chance to see them regularly, and 2. I love doing hair and would like the freedom of doing it at my leisure, rather than as a job I'm depending on for my sole source of income.
Here's where I get philanthropic. I would give lots of money to local animal rescue groups. I have close ties to one in CA that my friend Caroline runs, and another out in Texas that we've fostered and adopted through. I would make sure they were set up to continue their blessed work helping animals.
And then, we would travel. Oh, the places we'd go! As soon as we got tired of one place, we've move on to another until we felt like coming home. I don't have a bucket list of places I'd like to visit, but you can believe I would make one, and start crossing them off.