Welcome to my fancy blog with it's very own domain! You can now find me at www.bhappygirl.blogspot.com
Of course my blogspot url will direct you right where you need to be if you forget.
You should know there was a lot of thought, deliberation, polling of both blog friends and Facebook friends, and then an annoying amount of trouble shooting and Googling and calling into go daddy customer support to make the new domain and blogger work together.
But hey, it's all good now!
I had some hesitancy about changing the url from happy girls are pretty girls, but I think simpler is better, and shorter is sweeter. The happy girl blog says it all, and I can still keep the title as Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls ;)
Now, let's talk about that half marathon I signed up for last week. I put my big girl panties on and created a training plan, and actually followed through both Monday and Tuesday, with a run scheduled today. This is a nice step in the right direction from where I have been with fitness. Well, actually, I have been rather lack luster about working out, so this is great to have two days in a row to start me off. Monday I ran in all new gear, and for once I actually kinda enjoyed it. I have mentioned my sad shoe saga, and how my favorite shoes are discontinued, so it was nice to be in a new pair of shoes that didn't suck. However, the 80 degree weather was something else.
Oh hey, did I mention it's practically summer over here in NorCal already? Friday-Sunday temps were in the 80's, Monday it was 88, Tuesday it was 85, and today is supposed to be in the high 70's. Oh what was that Midwest? You have SNOW still?! I am sending you lots of extra warm thoughts to melt the jealousy snow away.
Tuesday I did something that I haven't done in two years; I took my mt bike out for a ride, and actually went through some of my favorite hiking trails. I was a scaredy cat and avoided the extra rocky and steep switch back trail, but I did sack up enough to have some sketchy descents that had my tires skidding and my brakes squeaking! All in all I biked nearly 17 miles and got a great workout. Oh, and a sunburn, even though I wore sunscreen. My gloves made for a nice white hand and obvious line at my wrist hah!
I have started posting photos to Instagram {follow me!} during my workouts because the photos will show up on Strava {follow me there, too!} where I track my workouts, so basically it's like I am taking you along for the ride. Letting people live vicariously through my workouts since 2013...
On a completely unrelated note, I signed up to be a secret restaurant evaluator last night! I did this once before about 5 years back and loved checking out new restaurants, but had a hard time balancing work, life, and the evaluations. I am hoping this time around I can make it work, because it would be nice to have my dining out count for something.
And that about catches you up on my current situation! How has life been for you? Do you approve of my new domain? {if not, let's pretend you do, as it's too late!} Have you ever done evaluations before?