Instead of a one recipe post for this week's Tasty Tuesday {linking up with Cassie, as usual!} I decided to do a little recipe round up and share the recipes I plan on making for dinner this week. I figured if I want to actually be motivated to make the recipes I pin, I might as well share them here and try to keep myself accountable!
Monday meatless Lasagna rollups
Tuesday Man pleasing chicken
Wednesday Shredded salsa verde pork used in baked taquitos
Thursday A totally Adrian-ified version of this Mexican Lasagna I found on P-Dub's site. Can you say "Mexican Rice-a-roni" instead of making my own, canned tomatoes, taco seasoning, and about a quarter of the quantity called for in total.
Friday, if I feel like cooking, Paleo balsamic mustard chicken
I'm pretty sure all of these recipes will give me plenty of leftovers for lunches and the weekend!
for a healthy snack I plan on trying these roasted and toasted garbanzo beans, because I've got cans for days of these things after buying a flat of them at Costco on some errant whim.
What are you making for dinner this week? I would love to swap some recipes, so post your own recipe round up and leave me a link in the comments!