Happy Saturday, friend! I sure hope your weekend is off to a good start, and you have whatever makes you happiest scheduled for the weekend. My favorite things to do are curl up on the couch with the hubby, puppies and a good book, but today, I am off to work a wedding in downtown Austin, and tomorrow another. Hopefully I will get a chance to go for a run or bike ride, and also get that downtime I crave so much.
The prompt today is your favorite photo posted to Instagram. Now, there are a few that I just really love, for whatever reason. Here are a few!
This would be a throw back Thursday post from my trip to Mexico. It's pretty much paradise wrapped up in a single photo. You can take me back anytime!
This is a normal set up for me on a wedding job. I sort of take over whatever flat space I can get with my intense kit. Did you know my roller bag that I keep all of my stuff in weighs 50 pounds?!
This is probably my favorite Instagram photo, to date. I got my passport in the mail that day, and was so stinking excited about my new found freedom to travel. It doesn't hurt that I was pretty stoked about how I looked in this photo, too!