Here are a few Halloween pictures from years past to show my enthusiasm for this holiday.
2013 we were brand new homeowners, and I was visiting Billy in Texas on Halloween, so we watched TV and handed out candy to trick-o-treaters instead of dressing up.
2012, Al Borland from Home Improvement, and Marilyn Monroe as the Joker
2011, Anita Blake Vampire Hunter and a zombie
2011, Sookie Stackhouse and a werelion
2010, Little red Riding Hood and a hot chick
2006 or so?? Clark Kent and Lois Lane
I looked over at B and said "what is my best and worst memory?" and we were both quiet for a moment before agreeing that Fraggle's pimps and hos Halloween party we attended many years ago was hands down the best, and the worst Halloween we can remember. (and then I second guessed if it was actually a Halloween party, or just a party, but Billy insists it was a Halloween party, so I'm going with it.)
Billy's birthday is October 30, and his friend Dave's (known as Fraggle to friends) birthday is October 29. Because of their birthdays' proximity to Halloween, Fraggle has thrown a few birthday/Halloween parties over the years to celebrate. It must have been 2005 or so, because B and I weren't married yet. I donned a short black pleated skirt and tied up a white button down a la Britney Spears, and wore some white bunny ears to make me more ho-ish. Billy had a big floppy velvet hat, and lots of $$ bling as his pimp look. Oh look, I still have a photo ;)
We both had a ton of fun dancing, hanging with friends, and enjoying the evening. I made a bunch of really potent Jell-o shots for the first time ever, which started my reputation for making strong boozy yummies. That was absolutely the best Halloween memory I have. Everyone was dressed up with the theme and having a great time, you can't beat that!
And then some thugs decided to crash. They showed up en mass and demanded to be let in. We turned them away, but someone at the party insisted they come back. It was civil, but strained, for about 10 minutes before a huge fight started. There was a ton of destruction to property, people were hurt, and it was the scariest experience I have had. I remember being in the garage, listening as beer bottles were thrown against the door, and car windows were smashed outside. There was a screened in patio between the garage and the house, and it was destroyed. I grabbed a bunch of girls, and one bleeding kid who was punched in the face, and locked us in a bedroom and tried to stay calm. It's hard to estimate how long the fighting was going on and what was happening outside, but when things finally calmed down, the cops showed up and everyone was really rattled. Thankfully no one was too badly hurt, and we could laugh about it as we relived the whole situation through stories and filling in the gaps from every one's perspective. It was definitely the worst Halloween memory I have.
What about you? Do you like Halloween? Do you dress up or go to parties?