Thankful for friends in Texas

I am so incredibly thankful for good people. I feel like people come into your life for a reason; sometimes you see that reason right away, other times it takes a while to present itself. I love when there is a connection with these people that goes beyond the surface reasons you can easily spot. Sometimes those people are just what you need, at just the right time. I have met a good handful of those people that I cherish with all of my heart. I would do anything for those people. 

My sweet friends here in Texas are no exception. I tell Casey all the time that she is the best thing that has happened to me since I moved to Texas. She laughs, but it's true. Stephanie is the girl who wasn't afraid to meet a strange blogger from California, and invited me to a blogger event where I met even more awesome ladies. I would be a very lonely, sad person sitting at home by myself, texting and missing my friends back in California without them. Instead, I see my friends here at least once a week, and text them often. It makes me happy to know that I have friends here in Texas who have come into my life for a reason. I just hope I can repay their generous friendship with tons of love and bless them in some way in return.

Last weekend, I invited Casey and Stephanie over to hang out. Stephanie wanted a haircut, and I had ulterior motives for wanting company, which I'll explain later.
I am seriously so sad this picture of Wilder is blurry. He's the freaking cutest and this would have made a great photo. I still like it.
Annnnd Wilder totally used the dog door. Sadie won't even use it, but he is brave and went in and out of it all afternoon.
Um, how gorgeous is Stephanie? She needed a little trim and some long layers. I couldn't help styling her all up and snapping this. Straight out of camera and no editing at all.
This, my friends, is my ulterior motive. I wanted Casey and Stephanie to help me with some crafts. And thank goodness for them, because those tissue paper tassels are way harder than I thought they would be. The tassels became a garland, and then we made burlap bunting which helped decorate my vendor table at a wedding venue open house. 
This is what the finished product looked like at the vendor show on Sunday. I was super impressed with how it turned out. And I totally re-purposed all of the decorations and put them up in my office. It's better than putting them into a box waiting for the next fair or show. 

That burlap table runner with the purple lines? Made that too! My friend Sarah taught me how to use a sewing machine while I was home in San Jose. I sewed the panels together, and she attached the purple bits for me. Now I need to find myself a sewing machine so I can practice and start making more things. Not clothes though, this isn't Little House on the Prairie. 
The florist in attendance at the open house gave me that flower wreath, which I was more than happy to wear. Until my allergies to all things growing kicked in and I felt like death. The ceremony site at Angel Springs Even Center is pretty awesome. I would totally get married there.

This post is just one of the many reasons why I am thankful for friends. New and old. Near and far. 
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