I've become quite the frequent flyer. Today I am again headed back to ATX to hang with my B for 5 days to celebrate his birthday...and paint...and work on my long list of items on Project Ugly Duckling. That yellow has to go, it's gotten personal.
With Billy living in Austin, and me still in San Jose, I have made quite a few trips to ATX in the last few months. Remember back when I was stressing about all things house related, and missing my B so much I cried when I couldn't open a jar? Well, I thought I wouldn't be seeing him until I rolled up in a moving truck. Fast forward a bit, to October 1st when I began advertising my wedding services in the Austin Area {yeah, click through if you are an engaged person and want to book me, I am all about weddings and making people pretty}, and then a few days later, I got my first Austin bride email! She had a last minute cancellation, and needed hair and makeup services the following week. I figured why not, and had a flight booked before Billy could think of even more reasons for me to come out {he was super homesick and needed cuddles, bad}. So I was out to Austin for the wedding and to see my love for a few days, even though the very next week my mom and I were going to be driving out with all of our stuff. I literally flew home on Friday, and was hitting the road the following Monday, Austin bound.
I am certainly racking up Southwest frequent flyer miles, that's for sure.
I won't have my laptop with me this week while I am in Austin, so I can't promise any posts. I do plan on taking pictures of my painting process to share once I am back. I mean, I am trying to get back into the swing of posting more regularly. And because I am totally the kind of girl who needs recognition, aren't you proud of me for all of my posts this last week? It was like the last 6 months where I fell off the blogging wagon didn't even happen. Kind of.
Happy Monday, y'all!