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Catch up for your Friday
Catch up for your Friday
Well, hey there party people!
Sorry I've been so sporadic with the posts, and mainly MIA. You probably guessed where all of my creative writing energy is going--to editing the book. You guys, editing is hard. Like so hard I don't even want to do it, but I have to. Each revision I make to the manuscript makes it better, even though it feels like pulling teeth to get there sometimes. Each pass through shows me just where my weaknesses are are, and I have to figure out a way to make them better. It's not a particularly ego-inflating feeling, seeing how much I suck, but it makes me happy when I can work through a problem area and make it shiny.
Wedding season is making me a crazy person. You could tell Billy I need to be locked away, and he would probably agree. Tomorrow, August 10, I will be working my 28th wedding of the season up in Sausalito, CA {across the Golden Gate bridge from San Francisco}.
That wasn't a slip of my fingers hitting the wrong number on the keyboard, either! I have already completed twenty-seven weddings. I have 19 more booked, and counting. Saying I hate my makeup brush belt and curling iron is an understatement. Really, I don't, but I would love to not have to pick up the tools of the trade for a weekend. I'll share some pretty pictures from trials soon!
Speaking of weddings, one of my very good blog friends just got engaged yesterday!! Congratulation Megan and Ryan! If you have extra room on your guest list, I call dibs! I have always wanted to visit Michigan and see the mitten state for myself ;)
I completed my 6th and final egg donation almost two weeks ago. I donated 21 eggs this time around {a far cry from the 34 they got back in January!}. It was a bittersweet feeling, walking into the office for my post-op appointment for the last time. I'm glad I got to say goodbye to my amazing coordinators, my favorite NP and all of the medical staff, though I didn't see any of the doctors that trip. I have threatened them with random pop in visits with the excuse of bringing in baked goods just to see them all again. I am so thankful to have found such a loving and caring practice to be affiliated with. They treated me so well the last 4 years, and really made me feel cared for and appreciated.
If egg donation is something you are interested in or just curious about, let me know! I would love to answer any questions you may have. Donating is NOT for everyone, and I respect those who say they could never do it for any number of reasons. If it's something that strikes a cord with you, research a little, and contact your local fertility clinics. You won't be sorry you were able to help someone start a family. Life is a huge and amazing gift you can give someone. I know so many people who have struggled with some facet of infertility, and the painful, emotional path they walked is hard to hear about. Knowing I was able to help someone who went down this same path brings me incredible joy.
Billy and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on Sunday August 4th! I can't believe it's been that long. Sometimes it feels like longer {in a good way!}, and other times I feel like we just got married! We were true to ourselves and didn't celebrate in any way. I think we both forgot to even mention our anniversary as we got ready and headed off to work that morning. Some people love celebrating anniversaries, and I don't fault them, but for B and I, it's not important. We plan on having many, many anniversaries together, so we pick the big ones if we want to celebrate. Looking through these photos makes me miss Lake Tahoe! No time for a vacay up there, though.
We may not get a chance to go to Tahoe anytime soon, but we are ARE heading to Texas to visit Dallas.
I know. Texas in August.
BUT, there is a warehouse location that Billy is applying to in Plano, which is just north of Dallas, and he sort of has a shot there, so we want to get a feel for the area. Y'all, {getting my TX speak ready} traveling is expensive. Airfare especially. I'm trying not to dwell too much on the cost, and just look forward to visiting the big ol' state of Texas for the first time. I will finally be able to say with authority that I know what Texas hair is.
Maybe I can write the trip off if I chalk it up to research for work....
If you have any suggestions for things to do and see while we are in Dallas, let me know! We have no clue what to do out there, so the more help, the better!
I am still going to Combat Circuit and loving it! I took measurements the last day I attended class on July 25, before a two week break for my egg donation, and wow was I impressed. I started class on July 2, attended 12 classes, and ended up losing 4lbs and 9 inches overall in that time period. When I say overall, I mean I measured my bust, under bust, waist, hips, lower hips, legs, arms to get all those inches off. I can tell by my slowly whittling muffin top and the flattening of my belly, which is the hardest place for me to lose. I couldn't be happier!
I really wish this was a nation wide class that was easy to go to for everyone out there, because it is seriously my saving grace. My weight had sort of stagnated, then I lost a little while writing my novel and picking up my marathon training. Combat Circuit is amazing for me, in that I have lost the 2lbs I gained during the egg donation, and a 3rd lb just from the 4 classes I attended this week. You hear that, Nate? If I move to Texas, you and I are going to have to figure out a way to transition Combat Circuit there as well!
Annnnd I think that catches you all up in this Happy Girl's life!
Category → Catch up for your Friday » combat circuit , dallas , donation , egg donor , texas , weddings » b happy girl