No Sugar for us

It's a semi-sad day for Billy and I. 
We got a call early this morning letting us know that Billy did not get a job he was applying for. 
Semi because nothing was fixed or certain, but sad nonetheless because we had been thinking and dreaming of getting the Optical manager position at the brand new Sugar Land Costco that is being built. 

What really pissed Billy off is that he didn't even get a phone interview, just the call to say they were no longer accepting transfer requests. We later found out they had hired the optical manager from the Rockwall store, just outside of Dallas. Can you guess where Billy is applying next? Yup, Rockwall ;)

So now I am doing my research and already obsessing about this new town. I am on Zip Realty searching houses. I am Googling salons and pricing for the area. For all intents and purposes, I have moved on. 

Strangely, it hardly even affected me! I heard Billy answer the phone, and from his side of the short conversation, I figured it was Costco, and negative. He confirmed, and then proceeded to feel bummed out. I went for a run. 

I expected to be extremely disappointed by anything other than "you're hired!" but I'm not. I immediately told Billy not to worry, there are tons more stores opening in Texas, and other departments that will need a manager, so we will get out there one way or another. And I absolutely believe this. Maybe if he has received 5 or 10 negative responses will I feel defeated, but right now, there are options available, and I am optimistic. 
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