Friday's letters 3.8.13


I am getting my act together and finally linking up with Ashley over at the Sweet Season for today's letters. It's been awhile. Grab yourself a bevy and read some letters, then write your own and let me know!

Dear Billy, you are an amazing husband, and I really appreciate that you are also my very best friend. I mean, who else could possibly stand to put up with my incessant housing market pursuing where I constantly show you all of the houses I want in Sugar Land, or the never ending questions I have regarding your possible transfer, when you obviously have no clue? That's right, only you my handsome man. Thanks for having patience and for humoring me when you can. 
Dear running, why are you sucking so much lately? Seriously, I hate you right now. I am *this close* to kicking you to the curb in favor of cycling, yoga, or DVD workouts. The time apart may do our relationship wonders, even though my previous 5 week break seemed to only make it worse. I want to actually start liking you again, but you are killing me with the shin, calf and achilles pain that two new pairs of shoes aren't curing. Get it together, or you're out of here.
Dear Asics, why the heck did you discontinue my FAVORITE shoe ever?! I blame you, Asics, for ruining my relationship with running. The Landreth is a wonderful, soft, neutral shoe that has served me well the last few years and was always there for me when I strayed to other shoes. But now it's nowhere to be found, and it's all. your. fault. 
Dear blog designers, I am seriously jealous of all of the pretty designs I have been seeing lately on so many blogs, and I am freaking envious of people who can manipulate code and pictures and designs, while I am stuck with my limited knowledge of picmonkey collaging, and stealing photos off the internet. In other words, I suck at making pretty things and I want someone to do it for me. So, who wants to do it for me?
Dear future Sugar Land Costco, um....can you hurry up and get on my time schedule please?! All I want is to know for sure whether Billy will get the optical manager position and cause us to move to Texas. So, be a doll and let us know. But let me down easy if it's a no, cuz ain't nobody got time for that. 
Dear body, I took measurements for the first time in awhile and realized I'm bigger, by a lot, and I don't like it. I was hoping that cutting out processed sugars would help, but it's been a week and I have no patience for waiting to see slow changes. Basically, I'd like to magically revert to where I was a year an a half ago, mmkay? 
Dear Pure Barre workout, holy ish are you hard. I have never felt so out of shape, not athletic, and inflexible as when I am in your classes. You hurt so good that even though I feel like a complete moron who can't lift her leg off the ground when sitting, I'm going to finish up my Groupon anyway.
Dear no processed sugar removal, you're not as bad as I thought you would be. I am impressed with myself so far in how little I have caved, and how I have stuck to my resolve to kick processed sugar out of my life. We shall see how phase two goes, which is to not eat any products that have sugar added, rather than just avoid all sugary treats like phase one. Ketchup and Ritz crackers, I'm looking at you  added sugar weirdos.
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