Well hey there blog peeps! I've been lying low and staying off the Internets for a bit.
I've been fighting off a cold for over a week now. It's comprised of the annoying sore throat at bed time, sniffles, and coughing, but the lethargy and malaise are seriously bugging me. I haven't felt like myself, and I fall asleep pretty much every time I sit down on the couch for more than 15 minutes. Oh, and would you like to know how I came across this little phlegm producing cold? Oh, just the two day babysitting job I took for two kiddos who had snotty noses and bad attitudes. Now who has the snotty nose and bad attitude? Me. Children are filthy creatures.
I've felt a little like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory when he's sick. I even texted Billy from the bedroom to come run Vicks vapor rub on my chest one night. Oh, if you haven't watched BBT and discovered the amazingness of this show, get on that.
I am so sick of being sick that I ran for the first time in almost a month on Monday. I followed up my 3 mile run {in which my lungs burned and I fought the week old phlegm of my cold} with an hour of Bob Harper's Yoga for the Warrior. I got my butt kicked doing both.
Having been mostly sedentary, save for some yoga classes, since before Christmas, I was feeling out of shape, but happy I finally got myself out there. I probably wouldn't have even started running this week had I not done the math a week ago and realized that my Santa Cruz half marathon is a short 12 weeks away.
I need all 12 weeks to get back into half marathon shape, my derriere has become a derri-don't.
So it was run or possibly not make a good showing at my already paid for race.
In other news, I made a super yummy smoothie for Billy tonight, and I figured I should share it with you! I usually make smoothies for myself that consist of protein powder, Greek yogurt, banana or strawberries, and sometimes peanut butter. Billy doesn't like my version of smoothies, saying they taste too healthy and not tasty enough, so I made him something delicious to reverse his opinion. Try this out next time you want something tropical, tasty, and hubby approved!
Happy Hubby smoothie
1 cup cubed watermelon
1 cup cubed honeydew
1 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1 cup strawberry Greek yogurt
1 cup orange juice
Blend and enjoy!